
Optimizing website visibility Monaco

Regardless of the channels used, your website deserves visibility. Maximize your chances of reaching your target audience by leveraging the best techniques. As a Google Partner, we guarantee results in proportion to your investment.

From search engine optimisation (with content writing focused on SEO and blog articles) to Google Ads campaigns, our teams are constantly training to offer you services at the forefront of industry trends and adapt your strategies to current specificities.

Search engine 

optimization (SEO)

To be visible on the internet, having a well-designed website is not enough. It is also essential to work on your search engine optimization (SEO). We deploy customized SEO strategies to improve your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here are some key facts to understand the importance of Google SEO:

  • Search engines are the main source of traffic for any website, regardless of its device (mobile, tablet, desktop).
  • 75% of clicks are made on the top 3 organic results.
  • Google alone accounts for 94% of searches conducted in France and Europe, far ahead of Qwant or Bing.
  • 90% of internet users rely on the top 10 search results provided by Google. Only 10% of users go beyond the first page.
Each website requires specific recommendations, and we offer different types of services tailored to your budget and goals. Our work revolves around three technical aspects: auditing, optimization, and monitoring.

To generate traffic to your web pages and support you in implementing your SEO strategy, our team of SEO consultants assists you in optimizing each component of a successful strategy, including technical modifications, content optimization, netlinking, and backlinking. The qualitative approaches adopted by search engines today emphasize the importance of quality in SEO. Google's algorithms are evolving in this direction. SEO should be seen as a holistic approach, as all aspects are interconnected.

Moreover, SEO is one of the most cost-effective customer acquisition channels. Once your site is well-positioned, you generate qualified traffic without having to invest money for each click to your site.

Our latest projects

Search Engine 

Advertising (SEA)

Paid search advertising, also known as SEA (Search Engine Advertising), refers to paid actions that improve the visibility of a website on search engine results pages and drive traffic acquisition. It is also referred to as sponsored links or sponsored ads.

Paid search advertising is part of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), along with organic search engine optimization (SEO). On search engine results pages, SEA ads are highlighted alongside organic search results.

Continuously seeking optimization opportunities, we assist you in setting up and monitoring your Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) advertising campaigns. Our experienced team develops the strategy, creates visuals, configures tools, structures campaigns, targets your customers, and continuously optimizes the entire process with daily updates.

As specialists in all types of Google advertising formats (Performance Max, Search, Display, Video, Shopping, Local and Smart), our goal is to maximize the impact of your daily budget. As a certified Google Partner agency, Rocher Blanc Monaco provides high-quality reporting and offers various packages tailored to your budget and goals.

  • Performance Max
  • Search
  • Display
  • Video
  • Shopping
  • Local
  • Smart
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